Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Glogster is a free platform for creating digital multimedia papers or posters.  It is great tool that allows users to build interactive displays.  Users can attach graphic and even video as well as audio into their presentations.  The electronic resource gives users the ability to add their own text and even paint on their creations, opening up creative options that are not found in most electronic presentation platforms.  Glogster also allows users to collaborate making building of multimedia items or posters a snap.  Creators can link out to websites and other content from the internet easily using the tool.  It is a great platform that will give patrons especially children and young adults a web accessible presentation utility that can be used anywhere there is an internet connection.

The interface is very easy to use unlike most graphic programs like Photoshop or Gimp giving users a quick way to build material for multimedia presentations.  It is great for a library that needs free presentation tools for children or young adults.  Anyone is allowed to create a free account.  Just go to the right hand side of the screen and select the area that says go to Once you have setup your account on Glogster you are ready to go.  You can either create your own presentation, or use templates.  The templates option is great for first time users and can really speed up the process for building a Glog!  Check Glogster out it is a tool that can benefit your patrons and add value to your library.

The content of this post was created with the help of the UTPA Writing Center.